A land use right agreement is being signed with an economic entity that will relocate to the Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park
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The Emeelt Eco-Industrial Park project has been implemented in the Shar Khoi River, 13th Committee of Khan-Uul District, 30 km from the city center, covering an area of ​​539 hectares to promote medium-scale industry and to support the creation of connections between local businesses and industries. Currently, the area of the project was enclosed with an outpost line. As part of preparations for the relocation of leather factories from Ulaanbaatar to Emeelt Park, land use rights agreements are being signed with enterprises. Therefore, a four- story building of Business Incubator and training Center was built on an area of 2000 square meters. Pedestrian paths and parking were built around the Business Incubator and training Center. Green facilities will be increased in the future. Park administration is performing function in building of Business Incubator and Training Center. And it is planned to make the following arrangements when the project is completed: Leather factories that become Park unit and economic entities will have product development center, training section for developing employee and exhibition hall for presenting products to international investors.

         Media and Public Relations Department of Mayor’s office of Ulaanbaatar city

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