712 house will be built on land of 6th Committee of Songinokhairkhan District
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10 цаг 36 мин

712 houses will be built on four hectares of land of 6th Committee of Songinokhairkhan District, preparation are being made to announce tender for competitive executive organization.

Chief Architect of Ulaanbaatar Ch.Tugsdelger, Head of Housing Policy Department of the capital city G. Gankhuu and related officials visited land of 6th Committee of Songinokhairkhan District. G.Gankhuu Head of Housing Policy Department of the capital city said “This project will be implemented on 4 hectares of land in the VI Committee of Songinokhairkhan District with a highly discounted loan from the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. Preparations are being made to announce the tender for the construction of a total of 712 apartments. "In the first, it is necessary to solve the earthworks and sewage wells of the project."

N.Bayrtogtokh, Project Coordinator of Ulaanbaatar Public Utilities Improvement Unit, said The price of per square meter of the apartment will be 3.2 million MNT.The price based on financial capacity and investment. This construction consists of nine blocks of nine floors. The company selected for the construction of this apartment will implement the work under the condition of handing over the keys.

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