The Government of China and the People's Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region provide donations to support herders in Mongolia

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene met with the Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of China to Mongolia, Shen Minjuan, on March 4, 2024.

In response to the emergency situation in Mongolia caused by the harsh winter conditions known as Dzud, Ambassador Shen Minjuan announced that the Government of China has provided $200,000, while the People's Government of the Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region of China has contributed over $170,000 to Mongolia.

Prime Minister L. Oyun-Erdene expressed sincere gratitude on behalf of the Government of Mongolia and its people for the generous support and aid provided by China during this challenging time, emphasizing the strong neighborly relations between the two countries.

During the meeting, discussions centered around the measures undertaken within the framework of the 75th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Mongolia and the People's Republic of China. Both parties reaffirmed their commitment to their comprehensive strategic partnership and discussed ways to enhance bilateral relations and economic cooperation.

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