This year, a total of 650 stormwater drains will be repaired
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9 цаг 52 мин

(ГУББГ) /Geodesy, Waterworks and Construction Department/ has planned to install new stormwater drainage systems on roads at seven locations this year. Additionally, in cooperation with the Capital City Road Development Authority, 1.3 km of stormwater drainage systems will be installed at two locations.

Regarding this, the head of the /ГУББГ//Geodesy, Waterworks and Construction Department/,  B. Byambasaikhan, explained, "Due to weather conditions, construction work will begin on March 15, when temperatures rise during the day." Before this, due to the frozen ground, preparation work and less invasive tasks such as trenching are being carried out, he said. (ГУББГ) /Geodesy, Waterworks, and Construction Department/ has planned to install new stormwater drainage systems at seven locations:

•    Bayangol District, 4th Khoroo, around the Railway Station;
•    Bayangol District, 3rd Khoroo, in front of the Narny Bridge or around the "Altai" residential complex bus stop;
•    Bayangol District, 5th Khoroo, around the 14th building of the "Altai" residential complex;
•    Chingeltei District, 2nd Khoroo, in front of the "Bumbugur" shopping center and near the Geser Temple intersection;
•    Khan-Uul District, 15th Khoroo, under the Enkhtaivan Bridge;
•    Khan-Uul District, 3rd Khoroo, near TEC 3 (Thermal Power Plant 3) or around the Azhilchin Street;
•    Khan-Uul District, 1st Khoroo, around Chinggis Avenue or the 19th Khoroo area.

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