Launch of Digital System to Support Government Human Resources Policy

The Cabinet Secretariat has inaugurated a digital system aimed at bolstering the government's human resources policy, emphasizing transparency, accessibility, and efficiency within public services.

The unveiling event, attended by state secretaries from various Ministries, Agency heads, and human resource officers, served to introduce the system's functionalities and underscore its significance.

U. Amarbat, advisor to the Chief of the Cabinet Secretariat of Mongolia, highlighted the system as a pivotal undertaking within the framework of state productivity recovery. He emphasized, "Enhancing civil service competence is synonymous with revitalizing our civil service workforce. Assessing the sufficiency and competency level of our personnel is paramount."

Comprising a total of 16 modules, the initial version of the system is currently operational with five modules, with plans for ongoing development in the pipeline.

Ts. Amartugs, a member of the Public Service Council, remarked, "The implementation of such a system enhances accessibility to information concerning public servants and organizations under the executive branch's purview."

The introduction of this system holds promise for enhancing human resources policy and planning within the public service sector. Moreover, data sourced from the system will inform civil servants' salary calculations and facilitate resolution of social security issues. Additionally, it is anticipated that leveraging this system will advance legislative processes, promote equitable employee engagement in law enforcement, ensure fairness, and ultimately, drive productivity.


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